FELIX KUBIN is coming all the way from Germany to rock our world at the Bottle, and you'd better give him the warmest welcome. He’s been composing electronic music since he was 12 years old, which is mightyyy impressive if you ask us. Over the years, he’s been involved in projects like the noise duo KLANGKRIEG, Dadaist singing group LIEDERTAFEL MARGOT HONECKER, and the tetchy teen bands DIE EGOZENTRISCHEN 2 and X2. If you’re not ready for a night that will make you feel like you’re floating in outer space — well, I dunno what to tell ya, darling dears.
DJ CATIE-O, (CATIE OLSEN), is a multi-disciplinary artist who often works with kinetic sculpture and sound. She’ll be spinning platters and bringing a wide array of eclectic and energetic tunes including psych rock, garage rock, soul, funk, disco and electronic music to get you feelin’ loose for ol’ Felix & Co.